At My Care Consultant, our core service is to provide care advice to people who need care, their family members and legal representatives, to help them navigate their journey as quickly and smoothly as possible.
We have established a dedicated ‘care advice referral service’ for KEY Group advisers who have clients or family members in need of care.

How It Works
Here is the simple process of making client referrals to My Care Consultant:
- Send your client’s name and contact details to our team using the form on this page. If you prefer, your client can contact us directly via Email: or Telephone: (0)203 290 3110, quoting your name.
- We will then deliver a free 15-minute consultation by phone or online at a date/time that suits your client, to be followed up by an email summary of discussion points sent to both you and your client.
- Where it is clear that your client is a self-funder, they will be signposted back to you, the KEY Group adviser to establish specific eligibility for state benefits and deliver the paying for care solution safe in the knowledge that such a paying for care solution is appropriate to the circumstances of the client.
- If your client may be eligible for NHS Continuing Health Care funding, or has expressed an interest in exploring another method of funding (for example an immediate needs annuity) this will be highlighted by My Care Consultant via an additional email sent directly to you, the KEY Group adviser following your client’s 15-minute Telephone Consultation.
Where a client wants more help with understanding, selecting, or funding their care, additional guidance can be delivered via one of My Care Consultant’s optional, chargeable services: Independent Financial Assessment (£50), Telephone Consultation (£195), Bespoke Care Report (£395).
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